We get it: health insurance is confusing. So how do we choose what health cover we need?

A great place to start is to look for a health fund that’s ‘the right fit’ for you – and one that can guide you, like a friend, to manage your health.

Member-owned health funds

Many will be familiar with the big for-profit funds, whose role it is to provide a financial return for investors.

But there are dozens of other health funds that are ‘member owned’, the not-for-profits that exist to support their members and provide the best care possible - and who give back to the community.

Members Health Fund Alliance health insurers, funds such as Latrobe Health Services, prioritise the health of their members over profit and represent the interests of more than three million Aussies.

“It can be difficult to know where to start when it comes to taking out private health insurance,” Latrobe Health CEO Ian Whitehead says.

“But if you’re interested in a fund that cares about its members, that dollar-for-dollar returns a high amount in benefits and is committed to supporting community, then a not-for-profit health insurer is a great place to start.

“At Latrobe, our priority is to empower you to make choices about the health care you receive and make sure you’ve got the right cover for your circumstances. And we’ll support you when times are tough.”

Looking after our members and the community

Extra support from your health fund can make all the difference during times of hardship.

Latrobe Health decided to ease the additional financial burden caused by the COVID-19 pandemic with an $8M support package for its 81,000 members.

We also provided $1M in community support for family violence and youth and mental health support services Berry Street, Anglicare Victoria and Quantum in response to the pandemic.

The little things can also be a good guide as to which fund is the right fit for you - like good old-fashioned service.

While the pandemic means many customers are wanting to interact online, we know many of our members still prefer to deal with a real person.

“That’s why when you ring us you’ll speak to one of our team from the Victorian call centre, and why, in our 69th year, we’ve recommitted to keeping our branches open,” Ian Whitehead says.


How much you pay for your premiums is of course another big factor in your choice of cover.

“What’s also important is the inclusions on your cover and how much the fund returns in benefits for every dollar that members invest,” says Ian Whitehead.

“You have to make sure that you’re covered for the things you need – and not for those you don’t. A good example is cover for pregnancy. Most likely you’re not going to need it if you’re heading into retirement. But if you’re thinking about starting a family then you’ll definitely want that covered under your policy.

“When you weigh everything up – what’s included, the service, the member support, care for the community, the benefits paid and the cost - the cheapest product may not necessarily be the best value.”

More information

Read more about Latrobe Health, compare our hospital covers and extras covers or call one of our friendly Member Experience Consultants on 1300 362 144.