No matter how caring the hospital staff are, anyone who has spent any length of time in a hospital bed knows that when you’re ready, going home can’t come soon enough.

But sometimes, there are barriers to recovering at home – like the continued need for specialised treatment, difficulty accessing community supports at short notice, or finding care for kids while you get better.

These barriers can delay your discharge from hospital.

That’s why, since 2003, we’ve covered services provided in the home that ease the transition from hospital after receiving acute medical care, and support the recovery process when you would otherwise have to stay in hospital.

The goal is to get you home sooner - and avoid a return to hospital - by addressing urgent short-term needs for up to six weeks following your discharge.

How it works

The discharge team at the hospital plans for and coordinates your discharge home. The healthcare team at the hospital will work with you to build a support package to meet your needs.

To ensure a speedy process, we as your health insurer provide funding for the Discharge Support Package, offering same-day approval.

Packages can also be accessed to avoid an admission to hospital entirely. In this case we work directly with your treating doctor to put the right support in place.

Examples of services covered include:

  • Complex wound care;
  • Intravenous antibiotics;
  • Rehabilitation;
  • Palliative care;
  • General home-based nursing care;
  • Personal care;
  • Household management;
  • Childcare;
  • Home-based allied health services;
  • Residential convalescent care in a registered supported residential service;
  • Service coordination and support;
  • Provision of specialised equipment (not including routine aids such as frames and crutches);
  • Home-based respite care.

Am I eligible?

If you’re able to receive treatment at home instead of being in hospital, and your hospital policy provides cover for that treatment, then you’re also covered for at-home services.

All of our Gold, Silver Plus, Silver and Bronze hospital covers include Supported Discharge Packages.

More information

Compare our hospital covers or call one of our friendly Member Experience consultants on 1300 362 144 for more information about other benefits of Latrobe Health hospital covers.