What support did Latrobe Health provide to its members throughout the COVID-19 pandemic?
As a not-for-profit, member owned health fund based in regional Victoria, we’re dedicated to supporting our Members during difficult times and improving the health of regional communities by investing in programs and initiatives. In 2023 we continued our health initiatives and community programs by:
- expanding our healthy heart checks program around regional Victorians, providing over 1700 Victorians with free heart checks.
- teaming up with Shane Warne Legacy and SiSU Health to bring free 4-minute heart health tests to the 2023 Boxing Day Test and Priceline Pharmacies across Visit https://shanewarnelegacy.com/pages/heart-test to find your nearest heart test station.
- funding a $16m redevelopment of Maryvale Private Hospital.
- providing gifts for children in regional Victoria through Quantum’s Christmas appeal.
- supporting local artists by helping to fund the 2023 Moe Arts Festival.
- sponsoring scholarships for the Gippsland Community Leadership Program.
- partnering with Phoenix Australia to bring accessible resources and bulk-billed post-traumatic specialists and treatment services to regional Victoria.